Entity that has to Report
If the entity does not qualify for any one of the 23 exemptions, you need to report the entity to FinCEN along with its beneficial owner(s). The entities that are subject to FinCEN BOI Reporting are “Reporting Entities.”
Reporting entities include limited liability partnerships, limited liability limited partnerships, business trusts, and most limited partnerships that have registered and/or formed with a secretary of state or similar office.
Trusts are EXCLUDED so you do not need to report a TRUST so long as the trust is not created by the filing of a document with a secretary of state or similar office. (Note that there are special rules of a trust which are further explained in the FinCEN BOIR website.)
There are 23 exemptions, which exempt an entity from beneficial ownership information reporting requirements. These entities are mostly publicly traded companies, nonprofits, and certain large operating companies (i.e., at least 21 employees with $5 million or more revenue and a physical office in the U.S.).
Click on the link below to see the 23 exemptions. Note that just because the parent entity may be exempted from FinCEN BOIR, its subsidiaries that are part of a joint venture may still need to report to FinCEN.